Summoned and Unwanted

Chapter 724 - 724 Ride the wind to the city

“Humph! Do as you please. I care not about Vincent one bit.” Jun Ye Rim responded while frowning.

Jun Ye Rim felt nervous at the thought of Vincent wearing a formal suit and asking her hand in marriage. Two women wanted to marry him at the same time. I was a subject she wasn’t used to hearing about.

Jun Ye Rim believed such a thing was immoral, yet her heartbeat gradually increased.

Both were going to marry Vincent because of what had happened to her. Only by becoming a part of Vincent’s family or his slaves could they compete in the judgment by combat.

‘Why do I feel anxious all of a sudden?’ She thought while peeking at Vincent.

Lilith slyly smirked. “I wonder if your words are true, though. You would not have come with us if you didn’t like Vincent.” She teased.

Jun Ye Rim flustered, and her cheeks lightly blushed. “I-I felt responsible. T-that’s all.” She nervously responded.

Ester, Iris, Lilith, and Mimi giggled while Lupa was touching Vincent’s shoulder reassuringly, and Plow wondered when she could go back on Vincent’s stomach.


Half an hour later, Zero entered the shelter. It was two feet tall, and its body was on the thinner side.

“Zero!” Iris happily exclaimed.

“Zero. Return. To. Master. Side.” Zero said while looking at Vincent and slightly glancing at Iris.

Karta, Hibiscus, and Awa entered the shelter together. As if they chose to enter after Zero returned half an hour later.

“I think it is time to leave. It should be around noon at the moment, and because I need to escort a lot of people, we will travel much slower than before.” Karta said before rubbing her chin and continuing, “Maybe a little faster than running.”

“I will check on Vincent one last time before I allow the patient to be taken from here. ” Hibiscus said. She acted determined to keep Vincent in the bed if he needed more treatment.

Hibiscus went to check on Vincent’s condition. She peeked at Mimi and sighed.

The reason started the moment Hibiscus was about to start treating Vincent. Mimi had made it clear while her father was around, no one was to see Vincent’s abdominal scar. She mentioned Vincent would recall an emotional trauma if he learned someone saw his scar.

While Hibiscus checked on Vincent, Lupa proudly approached Awa. She crossed her arms and said in a confident tone, “Spar with me. I want to see how strong you are since I do not believe the little fox.”

*Pho!* “Plow is a good girl! Plow does not tell lies!” *Pho!* Plow angrily said. She didn’t like what her rival for attention said about her.

“Don’t be like that, Lupa. We need to return home in a hurry, wait for Vincent to wake up, and marry Mimi and Awa.” Ester told Lupa while gently shaking her head. She didn’t know what to do with a battle lover like Lupa.

“We have a little time for a quick spar.” Karta looked at Awa and asked, “Are you ready to spar with Lupa? Five minutes should be enough, I guess.”

Awa nodded. “I can do that if it is for five minutes.” She said without a visible sign of hesitation. As if she was a seasoned warrior who experienced enough to remain level-headed.

“~Yes~” Lupa cheerfully said.

Shortly, a couple of meters away from the shelters, Lupa and Awa stood opposite from each other. They were surrounded by a large audience composed of a variety of races. There were Humans, Dullahans, Cefeyes, a Demigoblin, and an Elf spectating their Spar.

Karta stood in between them. She ordered them to move meter one away from each other. Afterward, she gave them two minutes to prepare.

Lupa looked behind her. She saw Ester, Iris, and Lilith cheering for her while Jun Ye Rim and Plow, being carried by her, only gazed.

Jun Ye Rim didn’t show much emotion of support, yet she was undecided on who to cheer for in her thoughts, while Plow hoped Lupa would lose. The little fox wanted to have an excuse to tease Lupa.

Awa looked behind her. She saw her mother looking at her proudly. She also saw her people standing beside her mother, looking proudly and respectfully.

Awa turned her gaze back at Lupa. ‘I feel a little sad my father is still sleeping. I would have shown him how a proud Dullahan fought.’ She thought while her heart raced to begin the Spar.

*Huff, Huff.* “Patrol my ass. That damn ancient vampire moved where ever he pleased and left me alone when he found no more traces of monsters.”

*Sigh* Karta gently shook her head. She didn’t need to turn her head to know it was Luacs doing to talking. “He must have...” She murmured before getting interrupted.

“Nice! I didn’t miss a catfight.” Lucas said while revealing a wrinkled smile.

“One minute left to prepare.” Said Karta to hurry up.

Lupa removed her shoes and threw them to Ester. Her arms and feet became larger and white fur covered them. Her nails changed to sharp claws, begging to cut something.

Awa touched the back of her neck, and a shadow cape appeared. She threw the cape nearby. The cape became a shadow cloud before forming a headless mare.

Ester, Lupa, Iris, Lilith, Jun Ye Rim, the royal soldier, the royal mages, Lucas, and Hibiscus became surprised to see Night take form.

‘So that is why I could feel Awa was somehow like Vincent and me... but how can her spirit take a physical form?’ Jun Ye Rim deeply pondered with great interest.

Night rushed towards Awa. The moment Night was going to hit Awa, she exploded in a cloud of darkness, and as if Awa was a magnet, all the darkness latched onto her body.

Lupa revealed a delighted grin. She was excited the next woman she could be calling sister soon was strong. It meant Lupa was going to have a permanent sparing partner soon.

Karta swung her arm and said, “Spar.”

Lupa rushed to attack with her claws while Awa lept and swung her leg. Both attacks clashed with one another. However, there was no winner.

Lupa and Awa were pushed backward by each other’s canceled attacks. This was the moment Awa understood the reason the books mentioned fighting people was far different and trickier than fighting wild beasts.

Awa extended her leg and taunted Lupa by tilting her foot up and down. The plan worked faster than she expected. Lupa rushed fearlessly and prepared to swing her claws again.

This time the exchange was different. Awa attached a shadow line behind Lupa from the tip of her extended foot. Like a trigger of a gun, Awa shot her body with her knee first at Lupa.

Lupa’s eyes became golden, and her pupils became that of a predator. Her arms moved accurately, and her feet raised to prepare for a jump.

Lupa grabbed Awa’s knee and vaulted over Awa by a hair. She landed on her feet and moved her gaze back. She saw Awa doing the same.

“How about exchanging one last move? I think both out you have proved your strength to each other.” Karta suggested. After hearing from Hibiscus how Lupa needed to rest her eyes, she wanted the Spar to stop soon.

Lupa extended her claws, and her golden eyes locked on Awa. She placed strength in her feet to dash at Awa, but what happened next caused her to stop.

Lupa raised her gaze to the sky. She had never seen someone jump so high up in the air. She saw a shadow line shoot to the ground beside her.

Lupa closed her eyes and focused on her hearing. She could hear the wind producing a faint piercing sound like that of a projectile. The closer the sound approached, the closer the range to act became.

In the blink of an eye, Awa landed with a kick to the ground. Lupa was beside her after a swift sidestep.

“The winner is Lupa. ” Karta announced.

The Dullahans didn’t want to accept the result, but as Awa stood up straight, they could see a set of claws had scratched her chest armor while Lupa was uninjured.

Lupa stopped using Primal Insight and her combat form. She extended her hand and said with a beaming smile, “I like you a lot.”

Awa and Night separated. “You are a great fighter. I hope to do better next time.” Awa said while shaking Lupa’s hand.

“I look forward to our next Spar. ” Lupa responded while remaining grinning.

Karta went to Lucas and told him she was going to leave for the city, leaving Lucas in charge. He chuckled and told her to leave everything to him.

A few minutes later, Karta stood in front of Ester, Lupa, Iris, Lilith, Jun Ye Rim, Mimi, Plow, Zero, Awa, and Amie. The sleeping Vincent and Lamin were hovering in the air with wind magic.

“Let’s depart. ” Karta said before using wind magic to make all those in front of her, apart from Mimi, hover in the air.

Mimi jumped and turned into a bat. She looked at Karta and nodded. A moment later, they left for the sky.

“See you soon, clan leader and clan chieftain!”

“Amie and Lamin are lucky to have a daughter like her.”

“I wanted to see the clan leader and clan chieftain tie the knot.”

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