Summoned and Unwanted

Chapter 220

[Fruthermore, I was thinking how it’s better to mention mothing regarding the Magical Beasts for the sake of everyone’s morale. We can take the great grizzly bear with some difficulty, but the alpha grizzly bear is extremely dangerous.]

[Not to mention how you have a significant disadvantage in this fight. You have about six to seven minutes of Overheat remaining. The flow of the fight will change after you can’t act as a tank anymore.]

-Let’s go with your previous plan then. I will distract the big one while the girls try to take care of the small one.-

“Ester and Lupa. Both of you take care of the smaller bear while I distract the larger one. Lupa, both bears have a thick hide. They have a skill called Harden, making their fur possibly difficult to cut.”

“Lupa, you lead the smaller bear to the trees where you can show it your moves. Ester, you create a wind bomb until you think it packs a punch and eliminate the great grizzly bear.” Vincent explained part of the plan.

Vincent gulped and continued, “I will distract the alpha grizz...”

“A Great and Alpha Magical Beast?” Ester asked with a wavering voice.

[I told you not to say. Look how afraid Ester has become.]


“Yes, but it doesn’t matter. It’s them or us. I choose us to live. That’s what we have been doing up until now and for the future to come.” Vincent replied with a determined tone.

Lupa dropped her ears low and looked unhappy. “But I want to make the kill... my mate doesn’t like me anymore?...” Lupa complained after hearing how Ester was going to steal her kill yet again.

Vincent tussled Lupa’s hair and said, “Don’t worry, you will have a reward no matter who lands the final blow.”

Lupa revealed a wide grin with a pair of fangs showing, and her finger curled with excitement, prepared to slash the enemy for a reward.

‘I want to see Plow jealous and show that sneaky fox how wolves are better than foxes when my mate rewards me, hehe.’ Was in her mind. Such things as fear or doubt were non-existent.

The mood changed after Lupa threw a short-lived tantrum about who gets to kill the great grizzly bear.

Ester shook her head and let a quiet sigh, then she said, “We will come to help you after we take care of the bear.” She didn’t appear as flustered as before.

“Use Amplify Sigil on Elsir. It should help you kill the bear efficiently.” Vincent suggested.

Vincent’s words of encouragement and Lupa’s excited grin diminished her fears. “Leave it to me.” She answered.

“I want to help too. ” Iris said with a wavering voice.

Iris was acting brave, yet her body sent the survival and life preservation signals to flee to the scene. A three-foot goblin fighting against a ten-foot-tall bear was asking for death.

Vincent shook his head. “No, you help your father lead and translate any urgent information. They are your people. They are the ones you might never see again after coming with me. So Iris, show them who you are. Show them who the Iris I believe in really is.”

Vincent requested Iris to help her father lead the fear-stricken goblins hiding on the trees. At the moment, the hiding goblins were doubting if hiding on the trees was safer than on the ground.

“I. Take. Progeny. To. Lead.” Iris’s father understood Vincent’s intention to keep his daughter safe. The goblin elder holding a small staff in one hand and Iris’s hand in the other left towards the goblins hiding on the trees.

Vincent looked back at the two Magical Beasts. Both remained glaring while standing on their hind legs. However, something seemed odd, so Kazumi used Mana Sense and gasped at what she discovered.

[The great grizzly bear now has a stable mana flow surrounding it. I think it waited until its Awakening stabilized. The same could be said for the other one... the alpha one has become much stronger now that its Awakened form has stabilized.]

Vincent gazed assertively at the two towering bears, and he could tell Kazumi was correct. He could feel a tremendous murderous intent focused on them and the goblins hiding a couple of meters behind them.

Vincent frowned. He used his murderous intent filled with the intention to kill. Vincent hoped it could dampen the Magical Beast’s bloodlust from making everyone shudder in fear.

The two massive bears had a concerning glare. As if they used the time to stabilize their Awakening to evaluate the hunting ground, and all the goblins hiding on the trees were discovered.

“I can’t kill the big one alone, so I will distract the alpha grizzly bear and wait for your support. I wish you both good luck.” Vincent curled his toes and flexed his calf *thud* he left a shallow depression in the earth while running with all the speed he could muster.

Lupa smirked at the challenge of speed and lowered on all fours *thud* she rushed behind Vincent to take the first place and the first strike.

A challenge was always fun for the competitive wolf girl.

*Cough, cough* “How can I help if both of you cover me with dirt and” *cough* “grass. I think I might need to educate Lupa sternly after this fight.” Ester complained about being left behind while coughing.

When Ester coughed her last cough and started running to help Lupa, the excited wolf girl managed to overtake Vincent.

A few seconds later, and a couple of meters traversed, Lupa lunged at her target. Vincent was a few steps behind Lupa because running on all fours increased Lupa’s speed dramatically.

After considering the best way to split the two massive Magical Beasts, Vincent decided to jump with all his strength. Vincent hoped this action could force the two bears to lock on a single enemy each.

Both the great and alpha grizzly bears used harden at the sign of attack. Vincent’s plan seemed to work. The great grizzly bear locked its bloodshot glare at Lupa during the alpha grizzly bear on Vincent.

The great grizzly bear swung its paws as it fell down. But it appeared wary of the approaching Lupa. It was as if the great grizzly bear was afraid of getting hit. Or as if the great grizzly bear didn’t know how to utilize the Harden skill.

On the other hand, the alpha grizzly bear acted differently while Vincent was in mid air. The monstrous bear didn’t react to Vincent’s incoming strike. Instead, it acted proud and cocky with an aura extruding confidence.

As if nothing could harm it, the alpha grizzly bear remained standing to take the hit. It didn’t move an inch while glaring at Vincent with bloodshot eyes.

It suggested that the alpha grizzly bear became an Alpha Rank Magical Beast, the middle tier of a Magical Beast, after most probably spending years living as a Great Grizzly Bear without ever getting injured by using the Harden skill.

Vincent uninterruptedly landed a strike on the bear’s chest. The force of the momentum increased the damage of the blow, yet nothing happened. As if the strike was absorbed.

Alpha grizzly bear kept glaring at Vincent with utter arrogance while seeing the startled human land on his feet in a momentary daze. The alpha grizzly bear raised its paw and scratched its chest, mocking Vincent as if it was just a tickle.

On the other hand, the great grizzly bear standing five meters apart from the alpha grizzly bear was in a different situation.

Lupa accurately dodged the devastating swinging paw and the descent of the large bear. Lupa moved as if she could maneuver in mid-air. Then she swung her arms and landed a counter.

*Slash* Lupa landed on the ground with a frown on her face. “So hard, but, hehe, I got first blood.” She later grinned at the sight of a smidgen of blood at the tip of her claws. She won the exchange and felt happy about it.

The great grizzly bear roared and started running after Lupa with a glare enough to kill. Saliva fell and flew the moment the bear opened its maws with the intent to rip Lupa apart.

Lupa, however, smiled at the bear as if it was another day. Lupa turned around ran to the cluster of trees with a grin, and her heart fluttering with excitement.

“If they bleed, they can die. Sister Kazumi is so intelligent, hehe. I can hunt and have fun. I will show Plow how wolves are the best, hehe.” Lupa mumbled to herself while leading the great grizzly bear away.

Lupa appeared to be unaffected by the murderous intent of the great grizzly bear. It was as if the feeling of dread and the murderous intent directed at her wasn’t enough to shake her soul.

[Wonderful! Lupa managed to pull the smaller bear to an area with trees as planned. Lupa should be in her element, and Este can swoop in, and bang goes the bear.]

-Great. Then I should figure out what I can do with yet another blunt-proof enemy.-

Kazumi relayed all the information Vincent needed to know, allowing him to immerse himself in fighting the alpha grizzly bear.

The alpha grizzly bear raised its glare. It glared at Iris and her father running towards the hiding goblins. Vincent’s failed attack caused him to become ignored.

*Thud!* Was the sound of the alpha bear falling on its front limbs with a loud thud and a slight ground shake.

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