Summoned and Unwanted

Chapter 196

Time quickly flew as laughter reverberated in the dining hall, and the sounds of munching with happy smiles made the maids tell the chef how much his food was enjoyed by the lords of the house and the guests.

Unexpectedly, out of everyone eating the food, including Plow and the gray wolf, Lupa seemed the most satisfied. She patted her belly and asked for another plate with deliciously seasoned meat. Then she started to enjoy the last dish before her belly bursts.

It made Vincent feel thankful to have asked the hosts not to get insulted by their eating behavior beforehand. Lupa ate as if she was in a party without ranks. An eat how you please lunchtime.

Shortly, the gray wolf finished eating the food Vopor offered as goodwill and then turned its gaze on Lupa.

Lupa noticed a presence staring at her from her side. While thinking someone is targeting her food, she looked back with a frown and saw the gray wolf.

“How does it feel to eat good food? I guess you are lucky to eat good food if you become that human’s... what’s it called. At yes, pet... I mean familiar. But my mate is better than good food, hehe.” Lupa boasted while munching food. She showed how her hunger didn’t sway her will to mate with her man.


The gray wolf barked lightly and looked at Vopor in the eye. ‘I want to eat more!’ was on the wolf’s face.

Vopor looked at the translater Lupa and asked what the gray wolf said and if it was feeling happy because of the cautious unmoving wolf tail.

“Happy yes, more hungry yes, *Burp*” Lupa burped after her round belly had no more space left. She ate the food of three people, and where it went surprised even Vincent.


Vincent sigh and like a contagious effect, Ester and Kazumi soon sighed as well. The three of them felt embarrassed in her stead. They hoped the Sunrise family wouldn’t get offended by her unrestrained behavior.

As time progressed, Ester felt she was an extra in the dining hall. She didn’t feel confident enough to join in Vincent’s and Byron’s conversation, nor had the ability to help Lupa translate.

At the same time, a few maids were gazing at Plow with a slight smile on their faces. One of them rushed to the kitchen, brought a small bowl of milk, and placed it in front of Plow.

“*Pho!* White drink taste good.” Plow licked her lips after drinking a few sips.

“Plow, it’s called milk.” Ester corrected while giving a head pat. Then she thanked the maid for her kindness. “Want to pet her?” She asked the maid.

The maid shyly nodded and petted Plow. Like a chain reaction, the other maids approached to pet Plow as well. Ester then chatted with the maids about how soft Plow was while Plow felt like a queen.

A few hours later, after everyone had something to do or say while enjoying a couple of drinks and desserts, Byron decided that there was no need to keep Vincent and his women today. It was getting late.

Vincent offered to let Lupa talk to the gray wolf for another hour before they leave. Byron accepted, and so, an hour passed.

*Front Entrance Door*

An hour later, Vincent, Lupa, and Ester, with a plump satisfied grinning Plow between her arms, prepared to leave.

“See you tomorrow Vincent and see you tomorrow, young ladies. I will send my butler to pick you up at the same time tomorrow.” Byron said.

“Time flies while learning new things. I hope tomorrow is going to be a great day like today.” Vopor continued after his father.

“See you next time, my lords.” Vincent respectfully bowed his head and entered the luxurious carriage. Ester and Lupa repeated Vincent’s goodbye and entered as well.

*Sunrise Family Mansion*

“Clean a room and leave a few plates of meat on the floor. Tell the chef to cook as if cooking for me. Lousy-tasting food is unacceptable. Furthermore, tell a few maids to go with Vopor to wash the gray wolf.”

“Remember to tell Vopor’s shadow guards to stay close. I don’t want the gray wolf to hurt my son. However, tell them if the inevitable happens, only restrain the gray wolf so I can hear the reason for its actions tomorrow from the wolf translator. ” Marquis Byron Sunrise ordered to the head butler.

“It seems my son has made another friend. Don’t worry and be happy, my dear. Your son is enjoying his youth.” Byron said while watching a painting of a beautiful young woman. A few of her features were similar to his son Vopor.

*Nearby Tula’s family house*

Later, the luxurious carriage arrived at its destination and shortly left after the driver watched the guests leave.

[Phew... now that was a long day. I hope Vopor and the gray wolf can come to an agreement. We need money to find a place of our own.]

-I agree, but buying a place in the city might cost too much. I think it’s best to rent a room.-

[I guess having a temporary residence to escape at a moment’s notice is the best option for our situation. We wouldn’t have too much to worry about if our secret is revealed and we need to flee.]

-Over analyzing my words as always...-

*Crack, thud!*

Vincent, Ester, and Lupa turned around to see the sound of something breaking, followed by a loud thud of something heavy falling. The luxurious carriage had already left, so the sound wasn’t made by it.

Shortly, a couple of meters from them, a familiar face entered their sight. It was the owner of the fruit stall who sold them apples a few days ago. Beside him rested a two-wheeled wooden cart with a broken handle and several apples on the ground.

“Should we help him?” Ester asked.

“But! What about sleeping? It’s getting dark soon.” Lupa said, and Plow continued, “Vincent Vincent is tired. Sleep is important *Pho* I need warm bed soon.”

Vincent looked at the fruit vendor. The man looked devastated as he looked at his heavy cart filled with apples and sadly glanced at the fallen and damaged apples on the ground.

“I will go to ask if no one tries to help him in the next five minutes.” Vincent noticed many people looking or walking past the unfortunate man. But no one asked or tried to help.

It was the middle-class district, and the fruit vendor wore clean yet patched clothes. The people didn’t look like they wanted to help the unfortunate man.

“Times up. Girls, do you want to go inside and wait for me, or come with me? He wasn’t rude to us before, so I want to help him if I can.” Vincent said.

“I’m coming with you. My mate is injured, and I am your right-hand girl. It is natural to help my mate.” Lupa insisted.

“I will come as well. It isn’t very far, and you are hurt. Plow also seems eager to join you.” Ester added.


Vincent nodded and then approached the troubled fruit vendor. “Do you need assistance?” he asked.

The fruit vendor looked at Vincent, and his worried expression lightened. “I remember you. The customer with the children of taskmaster Koss.”

“Would you be kind and help me push the cart. Even for a couple of meters if that’s fine with you. At least the cursed day can end after a noble soul wants to help me.” The fruit vendor finally raised a smile.

[There are a lot of apples in the cart. Why don’t you haggle for a reasonable price or buy a few?]

“How many apples do you have? I can buy a few from you to lighten your load.” Vincent offered.

“...” The fruit vendor turned his head and guessed how many apples he had remaining. Then he sighed and said, “Honestly, I received an order of many apples, but they had to be fresh. Only after I accepted did I receive the address to a noble family.”


“Misfortune after the other like lightning in the day struck me multiple times. My two sons got hurt and couldn’t help me pull the cart. Then the wheel broke, and I had to fix it with the help of a nearby carpenter. I lost a dozen of fresh apples because of this. Later, the damn Shrimpstar Family guards didn’t like how I had a few missing apples and others damaged.”

“Adding insult to injury, the guards mentioned how they managed to find another fresh apple bulk seller from the middle district and also purchased and order from them as well.” The fruit vendor shook his head while continuing, “Did they already deem me as unworthy? Why did I have to pull the heavy cart for many hours just to return with a broken cart and fewer apples than before?”

“Thank you, young man, for wanting to buy my apples and help me. I might have two hundred or so apples remaining, but some are damaged after falling on the ground. I don’t know how long they can last. How about like last time, one copper coin for two apples?”

“You have a deal. Here is one silver and twenty-three copper coins for all your apples.” Vincent decided to pay extra to help the man.

“But!” The fruit vendor exclaimed in surprise.

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